Koch Rosenzweig wrote:Hubert De LaBatte wrote:
It's not a war. It's the resistance against oppressors.
The weak guys join Damage llc because they have 4 or 5 corporations fighting in PC together and 100 districts.
Since AE left, they don't have opponents for their Burito taco donut.
If we let them without ennemy, they will take all. Forcing all the little ones leaving PC first and the game after.
A corporation like us, DMG or Skill of God need between 12 and 16 districts max to use the CP points.
Taking more than 30 districts close the door for little corporations and is just nonsense gluttony.
So we fight inintersting fights against the worst roofcamper ever to help all the community to stay in MH.
If the D1ck would be a coward like them, he could joined Damage llc with Dead Man's Game.
Instead he prefered fighting.
Who are the scrubs in this story?...
prima fought vs AE when it was trying to get the 100%?

Did you see SOG taking districts from low/newbies corps? list them
... I personnaly organised the mass attack on AE...
I just wanted to reduce theit number of districts. But SoG and PoK reattack them and reattack and reattack until AE lose all their districts. It was the first time I thank "Damage llc is very agressive, we have to be carefull with these guys, they never stop".
So now it's just justice to limit them. The goal is not to eject them from MH, just showing the rest of the corporations have ressources and can stop their progression.
The best thing to prove their agressivity is the number of corporations ready to fight them. More than 15...
When OH was there, they had mostly friends, even if they owned 30 districts. because they didn't take districts from weakers corporations and they didn't want to take all MH. they weren't agressive and it was impossible to find 15 corporation hating them and mass attack them. Even AE was respectful about the lasts districts.
It's the conclusion, respect for OH, AE, FA etc, no respect for Pok, little respect for SoG (they still defend 26 districts at the last mass attack, respect for that).
Last time I talked to a Pok guy, it was "yes we are elite corporation, we own 22 districts, we can stomp all of you"
Last time the game write something in the screen about a Pok "fighter" it was:
"Sedhat Berat left battle"

respect? mmmh.... no